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Minimalism with Essentialism

Tried being a minimalist ever?  Nope, that's fine. Yup, probably sure you enjoyed it or failed it badly. Minimalism is the pursuit of using less, possessing less, but at the same time also not giving up on the essentials.  Let me start out with an example.  Couple months back I was talking to my English professor about minimalism and she said that she tried being a minimalist once but screwed up in the end. She only kept a single pair of shoes and dumped away all the other ones. As it happens she also threw away her winter shoes which are very much essential in a country like Canada.  Hence, with being a minimalist you also have to be intellectual about your needs too.  Thus being an Essentialist.  This means not to have dozen pairs of different shoes but instead just the ones needed and not compromising on those needed. Recently I was listening to a podcast where the guest speaker was Jack Conte, CEO of Patreon. He was talking with the host Matt D'Avella about not being a
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Mind lives Infinity ...

Mind : one of the two things that the body relies on; second being the heart. It is always full of undesirable thoughts, which we may never want to end in our mind. There is a lot of unnecessary stuff that our mind contains; think of it as a computer hard drive which is constantly overloaded with information and thus allowing it to perform errors. In today's life, our mind is occupied by the burden of emotional thoughts, stress, fear, caring about what others think, and overthinking something - the worthless stuff. This eventually ages the mind by feeding it rubbish things. This eludes the mind of happiness, awareness, information, and the ultimate fascination of life. The mind can always remain young and active if used intelligently. But what is intelligence? It is the awareness of the moment. The mind needs to be creative on its own, it needs to think clearly; when this happens, the mind can never grow old. The mind can remain in a perfectly working condition until the grav